Our sex drive is perhaps the first thing to go, particularly when we are focused on and zeroed in on different things-like surviving life, adjusting to a new path, or remembering how to live, and it can vanish in an invisible moment. At numerous points in our life, we are faced with the need to take prescription medications to improve the quality of our lives or help to combat a medical condition. These medications often come with their own side effects, body changes, and adjustments (CDC). Drug use can also cause the lowering of libido, drive, and function. This includes all drugs, from some over-the-counter items, and street drugs (NIH).

If your sex drive has slowed, mentioning this to your doctor at your next visit can be beneficial in learning about the different options you have, or being matched with the best person or medical doctor to help you determine the best plan for success. According to the CDC, most sexual side effects caused by prescription medication arises from the dosage amount, aside from an actual body reaction. Your doctor or pharmacist can discuss the side effects with you, and possible changes that can be made to lessen the direct effects on libido. In some situations, one may be able to switch to a different type of medication, or your doctor may elect to change your dose (NIH).

Some prescriptions and street drugs have a very heavy effect on the body and sex drive. The following list from the CDC and NIH is always growing, but these most common side effects and sexual drive hindrances are commonly discussed amongst many suffering patients. This can be a helpful list to take with you to your doctor to begin the conversation if you are struggling to do so.

Alcohol. Many people believe that alcohol helps boost their sex drive and that is incorrect. Can it lower your inhibitions making sex and intimate acts mentally easier? Yes, but that can be dangerous for healing bodies (NIH). Alcohol can become a very intense, powerful central nervous system paralyzer that interferes with erection capabilities in men, and general sexual function in women. As Shakespeare said, “alcohol provokes the desire, and takes away the performance. “If an average weight person drinks more than two beers, cocktails, or glasses of wine in an hour the uplifting promise of the first few drinks will turn into the libido killer of the night (CDC).

Tobacco. Many studies have been done and all prove that, because smoking narrows blood vessels in the whole body, this predisposition’s the smoker for sexual dysfunction and more (CDC). In men, the risk of erectile dysfunction increases substantially. In women, the decreased blood flow affects the natural lubrication of the vaginal walls (NIH). Not to mention, tobacco is linked to worsening many health conditions and illnesses.

-Blood Pressure Medication. These prescriptions most often interfere with the ability for a man to achieve an erection. They can also cause loss of libido, delayed or no ejaculation, or general issues maintaining a fully hard erection (CDC). In women, these medications can cause severe vaginal dryness (CDC). If you take these types of medications and find yourself struggling with your ability, reach out to your doctor to ease your mind, and help correct the problems.

Antidepressants. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are the most commonly prescribed antidepressants and most all are linked to sexual side effects. Loss of libido, along with delayed and no ejaculation, Priapism, and general erection issues have been reported in men. Inability to orgasm, vaginal dryness, and loss of desire have been reported with women. If you take antidepressants and find yourself experiencing these symptoms, check with your doctor for other brands or other possible alternatives (CDC).

Psychiatric Medications and Anti-Anxiety Medications. Much like alcohol, this class of drugs directly affects the ability to achieve and hold an erection for penis owners. Loss of libido has been reported for both men and women on these types of medications. This is one of the harder classes of drugs to change or alter, because these help control the way our brain works. If our brain is not functioning up to par, libido will be one of the first things affected (NIH).

Illegal Drugs. No matter if you are using an “upper” like amphetamines or cocaine, or if you are using “downers” like narcotics or tranquilizers, all street drugs impair the ability to have normal sexual function (CDC). The level of lost function depends on the strength, amount, and internal damage these drugs do, which is often unknown until the “too much” mark has been surpassed. Marijuana is the only drug that has been reported to go both ways: for some it helps the sex drive, and for others completely hinders it. Many state that this is due to the strain of the plant being ingested (NIH).

Seizure Medication. If you are on medication to control convulsions and seizures, there is a good chance your libido, erection function, and sex drive have been affected. These medications have been reported to hinder the ability to achieve and orgasm with guaranteed loss and lack of libido while taking (CDC, Pharmacology USA).

Miscellaneous Prescription Medications. There are multiple other medications in separate classes that also severely affect the sex drive and libido. Some of these are:

                -Congestive Heart Failure medications: breast growth in men, loss of erection and function

                -Methadone: loss of libido, delayed or no ejaculation in men

                -Muscle Relaxers: delayed or no ejaculation, loss of libido for men and women (CDC).

Never suddenly stop taking prescribed medication for any reason, without proper consult and approval from your doctor. Some medications can cause severe withdraw issues when suddenly stopped, worsening sexual function issues (CDC). There are many things that one can try to combat sexual dysfunction issues and loss of libido from medication and drug use.

During bouts of loss of normal sexual function for men, they learn more about erectile dysfunction and the various options that exists within that holistic health field. Consider one or more of these methods when working on restoring lost sexual function & rebooting your libido:

For erectile dysfunction, try this:

  • No ability to achieve an erection: Consider trying a penis pump. These devices utilize the power and gentleness of water to help bring the user feeling and pleasure. Many masturbators are devices specially made for those who have erectile dysfunction. This is made to ejaculate a flaccid penis. Or consider a hollow jock strap that can support a flaccid penis and allow for penetrative sex acts to occur.
    • Partial erection: If you can achieve a partial erection, try a wearable device, which allows the user to slide in to the support sleeve and proceed with their intended activities. If you prefer a hollow jock strap, there are a variety of styles. This is entirely wearable and allows the user to carry out sexual intercourse in a new way with new sensations. Always use a high-quality lubrication like Sliquid when using these devices!
    • Erection can be achieved but does not stay hard or last as long as desired. Erection support rings are designed to help with erectile dysfunction. They are available in three-pack of support rings that are put on with lubrication to the base of the penis. This helps to hold the blood securely inside of the shaft, thus making a harder erection last longer. There are a wide variety of erection support rings available, and some may work better than others for your situation.  

If you believe that prescription medications are the cause of your loss of libido and sex drive, do not wait to chat with your doctor about it to determine the best plan of action.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

National Institutes of Health and Human Safety

Pharmacology USA

Empowering Intimacy