Ejaculation issues are very common for penis owners and can occur for a variety of reasons. Part four of our series discusses retrograde ejaculation and anejaculation. Retrograde ejaculation, or dry ejaculation, occurs when all or some of the ejaculate is discharged but backs into the bladder at sexual climax, rather than out of the body through the tip of the penis. Anejaculation occurs when no ejaculation occurs at sexual climax.

This type of ejaculation dysfunction can cause infertility and is most easily diagnosed through a physical exam with post-ejaculation urine samples for testing.

The most typical cause of retrograde ejaculation occurs in the muscle at the neck of the bladder that prevents ejaculate from backflowing into the bladder through the rube carrying ejaculate from the prostate to the urethra. This can happen due to nerve damage from medical conditions, medications, or certain surgeries.

Retrograde ejaculation is not usually treated unless it is causing fertility issues that the penis owner wishes to reverse. Medications that might trigger this dysfunction can be temporarily stopped with your doctor’s approval, as well.

There are also certain “off-label” medications that can help to keep the bladder neck muscle to remain closed during ejaculation, thusly preventing any backflow.

There are many fertility treatments and options available to those males who are facing infertility due to this condition. Intrauterine insemination is one of the best ways to work towards growing your family with retrograde ejaculation.


This occurs when no ejaculate exits the body upon sexual climax. This can occur as total anejaculation, or situational anejaculation- which occurs only in certain conditions. Anejaculation can be a primary issue, present from the start of sexual response; or it can be a secondary issue, triggered or brought on by another condition, like multiple sclerosis, heart disease, or cancer.

In most cases, situational anejaculation is caused by stress or psychological issues associated with a certain partner or situation. This might mean that the person can ejaculate with one partner but not another, or even in one setting but not another.

A complete anejaculation can also cause anorgasmia, which is the inability to reach orgasm or ejaculation. But this is not always the case. Oftentimes, the person can have an orgasm but produces to ejaculate. Despite the lack of ejaculation in any sexual situation, the person may still produce and leak semen in their sleep.

Reactions to many medications can also cause anejaculation, including the aftereffects of surgical procedures.

The most common treatment for anejaculation is:

  • Psychological counseling to address underlying mental causes and blocks.
  • Sexual therapy
    • This can involve sexual education for a better understanding of sexuality and the body and can also involve therapy to encourage positivity around sexual acts, mindset, and function.
  • Sperm Retrieval for those who are facing infertility issues.
  • Penile Vibratory Stimulation for those with anejaculation caused by a spinal cord injury. This treatment utilizes a vibrating device designed to make the penis erect and help to achieve ejaculation.

If you or your partner are struggling with any type of ejaculation dysfunction, do not hesitate to reach out to your medical care team to learn more about all the options available to help you to reclaim your intimacy.


NIH Urology

Men’s Health

Empowering Intimacy

Read More in our Ejaculation Series with these Links!

Ejaculation Series: The Basics, Part One

Ejaculation Series: Early Ejaculation, Part Two

Ejaculation Series: Delayed Ejaculation, Part Three

Ejaculation Dysfunction: Retrograde & Anejaculation, Part Four