Learning breath control, like any other new thing, takes time and steady, consistent practice. If you have this calm, relaxed understanding about your learning process, with or without a patient partner, you can learn this complex technique. If you are single or do not have a partner to practice with, that’s fine! The only mandatory…
To Finish Reading, Click Here...The vagus nerve is a wandering bundle of nerves that extends from the medulla oblongata in the brain stem. It helps to control your organ systems, digestion, and certain body functions. The vagus nerve is also in charge of many crucial body functions like communicating motor and sensory impulses to all body organs. The vagus…
To Finish Reading, Click Here...The vagus nerve is a large nerve that carries information between your brain and your internal organs that helps to control the body’s response in times of rest and relaxation. This nerve originates inside of the brain and branches out in every direction through the neck and torso, where it is then responsible for carrying…
To Finish Reading, Click Here...Have you ever heard the saying, “Good sex is really simple- which is why it’s so damn complicated?” Seems pretty spot on though, doesn’t it? There are countless ways that we, as humans, can find pleasure and intimacy, and even more ways that we can work to enhance the pleasure that we feel. Everything from…
To Finish Reading, Click Here...In Part Two of our Free Radicals article series, we cover where free radicals exist and how to fight against body damage that has already been done. Free radicals are uncharged molecules, which are typically highly reactive and short-lived, that have an unpaired valence electron. According to the Pharmacology Review, “reactive oxygen species and reactive…
To Finish Reading, Click Here...According to certain experts, there are thousands of different antioxidants in the human diet that exist in different forms. With the complexities of how antioxidants work in the body to combat and destroy free radicals, some of those experts also believe that only in the food form do phytonutrients or antioxidants interact beneficially within our…
To Finish Reading, Click Here...Many people have heard that foods with antioxidants protect us from free radical damage, which is responsible for many of the effects of aging on both the body and mind. But what exactly are free radicals, why are they bad and where do they come from? Free radicals are uncharged molecules, which are typically highly…
To Finish Reading, Click Here...When someone has a Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction, they are having a reaction from a syndrome that results from aggressive treatment of a major body infection. This condition was first discovered when doctors began to heavily treat syphilis infections but is now known to occur in anyone who is treating an overgrowth of microorganisms, fungal or bacterial.…
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