Nutrition & Cancer Coping with Treatment-Related Fatigue

Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms and side effects from cancer treatment, right up there next to nausea and vomiting. It is a recognized side effect of many medical procedures, surgeries, chemotherapy, radiation, biotherapy, and hormonal therapy. Many studies state that nine out of ten patients experience fatigue at varying levels throughout their…

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Partner Support & Strategies 

Even the strongest, longest lasting relationships face struggle and strife in the light of cancer and treatment. The diagnosis of, treatment and living with cancer and long-term illness will cause a major strain in your life and that of your partner’s life. You may have different feelings, thoughts and coping mechanisms as the patient than…

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The Benefits of Joining a Support Group

Support groups exist all around the world, in most all communities, and cover just about every topic you could ever imagine. These groups are designed for people with similar life situations, medical chaos, or illness, and they meet on a regular basis to share news, information, and personal stories. Support groups are safe places to…

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Resources for Caregivers

This resource list can be beneficial for caregivers when they need to reach out to an organization that specializes in their patient’s types of cancer or illness. Many of these organizations also have websites that you can find with a simple internet search to have even more information at your fingertips. If you are interested…

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Caregiving: When Teamwork gets Rough

Your caregiving team is most likely made up of your close family and friends, all of whom have different relationships with the patient than your own. Some of the people assisting with your patient might have years of friendship or relationship turmoil that you are not aware of. Siblings in a caregiving situation may have…

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Caregiving: Tips for Staying Sane

As a beginning caregiver, you may have an overwhelming number of tasks to do, documents and medical records to find and file, and details to track. You might also be managing the legal, financial, and medical plans for your patient, along with their doctor’s appointments, therapists, medical tests, and appointments; household matters, milestones, memories; personal…

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Caregiving & Cancer: Your New Roles

With almost two million new cases of cancer per year in the United States this year alone, many patients will eventually require or need the support from their family and friends in the form of a caregiver. Statistics show that family caregivers form the base of the American health care system, as their support help…

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Caregiving: Cancer, Marriage & Resentments

In the time around a person’s cancer diagnosis, the spouse or partner is still all-in and on board, being invested and working towards having their loved one back on their feet and helping them to work through their illness. Many times, couples go to every appointment together and the caregiving partner naturally steps up to…

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