Getting the news that you have cancer can be a very challenging experience. After your cancer diagnosis, you might feel emotions and feelings that are not typical to your normal self. Anxiety, fear and overwhelmed feelings may be present, and you might be wondering how you will cope with or accept the new life in…
To Finish Reading, Click Here...One of the most trying and overwhelming jobs on the planet is being a caregiver or partner of a cancer patient. In today’s world of shorter hospital stays and the shift towards outpatient care and treatment puts a lot of strain on to the caregiver, and patient. While rapid advances in our cancer treatment and…
To Finish Reading, Click Here...Upon receiving your new diagnosis, there are certain general questions that may help you to gain a better understanding of your condition and develop a better relationship with your physicians. In these situations, the easiest method for having all aspects of your questions answered is to remember the five W’s. You may have first learned…
To Finish Reading, Click Here...November is National Family Caregivers Month! This month we recognize the challenges family caregivers handle and face when their loved ones are in need. Caregivers often work twenty-four hours a day plus their regular work schedule and hours to support the household. This special observance enables us to do the following: The Caregiver Action Network…
To Finish Reading, Click Here...Many people in our world face a cancer or progressive illness diagnosis with no insurance and often no stable job with a source of income. Without income, facing the costs of hospital care, medications and treatment can be life-stopping and leave many wondering how they will ever be able to fight for their lives if…
To Finish Reading, Click Here...Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms and side effects from cancer treatment, right up there next to nausea and vomiting. It is a recognized side effect of many medical procedures, surgeries, chemotherapy, radiation, biotherapy, and hormonal therapy. Many studies state that nine out of ten patients experience fatigue at varying levels throughout their…
To Finish Reading, Click Here...Even the strongest, longest lasting relationships face struggle and strife in the light of cancer and treatment. The diagnosis of, treatment and living with cancer and long-term illness will cause a major strain in your life and that of your partner’s life. You may have different feelings, thoughts and coping mechanisms as the patient than…
To Finish Reading, Click Here...Support groups exist all around the world, in most all communities, and cover just about every topic you could ever imagine. These groups are designed for people with similar life situations, medical chaos, or illness, and they meet on a regular basis to share news, information, and personal stories. Support groups are safe places to…
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