Obesity and Cancer

Obesity is a condition in which the body has an unhealthy amount and poor distribution of body fat. Obesity can affect every aspect of everyday life for anyone from their daily diet, activity levels, medical issues, and numerous challenges due to their physical body mass and size. According to a study conducted by the Centers…

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Cancers affecting Individuals with Down Syndrome

The American Cancer Society estimated that nearly two million new cases of cancer will be diagnosed in 2020. In studies done to determine the cancer risk to those individuals with down syndrome and what cancer they could get, facts prove that those with Down Syndrome are highly protected from many of the solid tumor cancers.…

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Retinoblastoma: Eye Cancer

Eye cancer, or retinoblastoma, can occur in various places in the eyeball, thus giving it a variety of technical names. Cancer of the eye itself is rather uncommon, but it is more common to experience cancer of the specific areas within the eye, like the retina or eyelid. The following information is general information about…

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Chemo Brain: Basic Tips to Break the Fog

The side effects of cancer treatment are traumatic for any patient, and most all those patients who undergo chemotherapy treatment report that “chemo brain” is a very prevalent and annoying side effect they deal with. Other issues those patients on chemotherapy face are decreased neurocognitive function, fatigue, and social issues.   Because chemotherapy is toxic to…

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An Overview of Androgen Deprivation Therapy for Prostate Cancer

Androgen Deprivation Therapy, or ADT, is a therapy used to treat prostate cancer. Prostate cancer cannot thrive or grow without androgens, which include testosterone, follicle-stimulating hormones, and luteinizing hormones. This hormone therapy works to decrease the number of androgens within a male’s body, which thusly slows the growth of the cancer, and in some cases,…

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Phexxi Details & Information

Phexxi is a new to the market birth control option that is hormone free. This contraceptive gel is put into the vagina before sexual intercourse occurs, which then lowers the pH of the vagina inhibiting the movement ability and action of the sperm. This action thus lessens the chance of the sperm reaching and fertilizing…

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What is Revaree?

There are many available products listed to help with painful vaginal dryness. Revaree is another of these options, and is made from hyaluronic acid, and is a hormone free treatment made for the treatment of vaginal atrophy. This is also helpful with vaginal dryness, itching, and dyspareunia crafted in a simple, easy-to-use insert. The main…

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Details & Information on the Mona Lisa Touch

For those patients who are suffering from sexual dysfunction, painful intercourse, vaginal dryness, incontinence, or other vaginal issues, the Mona Lisa Touch procedure may be for you. This is a new vaginal rejuvenation procedure that could help to improve your symptoms and provide long-lasting relief using no chemicals or hormones. As a female ages, her…

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