Grieving the Loss of the Self with Cancer & Illness

Grieving is defined as, “feel grief for or because of,” and “cause great distress to (someone)” (Oxford dictionary). Grief is a natural reaction to loss and is a very personal experience for every individual. Mourning the loss of self is a healing action that helps to progress us past complex and chaotic events in life.…

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Reclaiming the Self: The After-Cancer Emotions & Feelings

After your treatment ends, and before your excitement begins, you may begin to feel emotions and feelings you were not expecting. In many cases, these emotions are positive and tell your warrior story of battling through cancer and winning in the end. You may experience euphoric feelings of health, serenity and being able to plan…

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Gentle, Sensual Massage to Awaken your Arousal

Sensual massage has been used for centuries to help alleviate stress and calm the body, along with enticing intimacy and pleasure. Massage can also be a great source for awakening one’s arousal, likes and dislikes in the pleasure department. Massage with your partner can also helps to re-light the spark, get to know one another…

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Awakening the Body: Arousal & Sensuality

~ There are many things that affect how your body reacts to intimacy, sensuality, and sexuality. Some of these include stress, illness, cancer, medical treatment, life happenstance, and relational status. Many people find themselves struggling with arousal for various reasons, but those folks are also unaware of the different styles of arousal. Many sexperts and…

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Self-Care after Cancer: The “New Normal”

After your cancer treatment ends, you may find yourself lost in a fog of the “old” life you remember. Things that once brought a smile to your lips are now just something else that happened on a regular day. Many people believe that once the treatment is done, you will simply bounce back into your…

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Self-Discovery: Masturbation Basics

The very taboo subject of self-discovery, self-pleasure, or masturbation- whichever words you choose to describe it- is a beneficial act one can do with and to their bodies to connect, find pleasure, find release, and boost the body’s natural happy hormones. If masturbation does only good, then why is it considered so terrible to do?…

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Medical Diagnoses & Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

PTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder, is an anxiety disorder that can be triggered by a whole host of things. Many people are diagnosed with PTSD after serving time in the military with war syndrome, or even the stress brought on by physical or sexual abuse. Other worldly events like natural disasters, serious accidents, and violent…

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