Cancer, Long-Term Illness, and Divorce

Any cancer or long-term illness diagnosis can bring intense personal, physical and emotional challenges to the self, as well as creating these issues within a relationship or marriage. In many cases, the blame for separation or divorce is placed on the cancer itself and all the stress that came along with it. However, most therapists…

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Top Tips for Keeping your Relationship or Marriage in Check with Cancer & Illness

As if marriage was not complicated enough, add a cancer or long-term illness diagnosis into the mix, and you may be staring into the eyes of looming disaster. Marriage requires effort, dedication and commitment that is unparalleled to any other relationship. Most all married couples would tell you that it is no easy stroll through…

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Disclosure: Telling People you have Cancer: How Tos & Tips

After your initial diagnosis, you may require time to adjust to the new information and treatment plan before you share your news. Telling others that you have cancer is not an easy task. While you are dealing with your own emotions, you will have to cope with each person’s emotions you tell, as well. Depending…

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Cancer, Illness & the Impact on your Friendships

The diagnosis of cancer or long-term illness can have a serious impact on friendships, creating an unforeseen stressors for you to deal with. This litmus test for your relationships, your illness, will show you a variety of responses and emotions from others, and many will be surprising. In general, we assume that our friends will…

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Best Foreplay Tips for Men

Foreplay is something that doesn’t come easily for all men. Some need a bit of guidance to better understand just what will work and will not work regarding pleasure. Foreplay can be helpful for those males who are working on reclaiming their intimacy after illness, cancer, or loss of sexual function. It also helps to…

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All About Polyps

Polyps are an overgrowth of cells in one specific area of the body. This article contains information about polyps, the various types of polyps, symptoms, diagnosis, and more. Facts & Risks While doctors are unsure about what exactly causes polyps to form, they are indeed a common occurrence in many humans alive today. All polyps…

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Depression and Intimacy

Depression is something that many humans are faced with. It is recorded that over 350,000,000 people across the globe suffer from a myriad of types and levels of depression which affects their everyday lives (Oncology Times). Depression is a serious and common medical illness that affects the way you think about life and yourself negatively,…

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What is Medical PTSD?

PTSD, or post traumatic stress disorder, is a condition that arises after any aged human experiences or witnesses a traumatic event. These types of traumatic events could be a serious accident, rape, war or terrorism, violent personal assault, or even natural disasters. In recent years, the term “medical PTSD” has arisen and is now considered…

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