Menopause: Diagnosis & Treatments, Part Two

Menopause is the cessation of ovarian function in the female life cycle. It is most often diagnosed in menstruators over 45 years based on a person’s symptoms and changes in cycle. The diagnosis is obvious if a person has had their ovaries removed, or damaged in some altering way. In some cases, a “symptom score…

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Ovarian Cancer Information

When ovarian cancers were first discovered, they were thought to originate in the ovary itself. Instead, after years of research, they have determined that many cases of ovarian cancer begin at the farthest point in the fallopian tubes away from the ovaries. Ovaries are the reproductive glands found only in females, and they produce eggs,…

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Cervical Cancer Facts and Information

Cervical cancer is cancer that starts in the cervix, which is the lower, narrow part of the uterus. It happens when the body’s cervical cells divide very fast and grow abnormally out of control. These extra cells form a tumor, which can then become malignant. Each year, about twelve-thousand women in the United States get…

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Tips for Managing Stress with Cancer & Long-term Illness

Cancer not only interrupts your life but also brings a large side order of stress, regardless of if you have ordered it willingly, or not. Stress is how your body responds to threats, triggers, demands or changes. These stressors that can hinder the cancer patient’s life are adjustments to diagnosis and treatment, managing finances, relationships,…

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The Dangers of Ignoring Mental Health during Cancer Treatment

For those hearing their cancer diagnosis for the first time, it can be a devastating and utterly life changing moment. Not only is your body damage and full of this potential killer, but your psyche is also instantly altered. In today’s day and age, cancer is no longer simply the “c” word, and awareness and…

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All About Intimacy: What does Intimacy Involve? Part 3

There are basic parts of any relationship between two humans that must happen for the connection to be strong, continuous and ever growing. Communication, support and love are the known and remembered basics, but there are other facets often pushed aside in the chaos of life that are like hinges to making everything work and…

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All About Intimacy: How to Nurture Intimacy, Part 2

A wonderful analogy to how we must nurture and maintain the intimacy and intimate relationships in our lives can be compared to that of a garden. The longer the time spent away, the more weeds take over and parasites eat holes through the plants’ leaves and vines. If you’re one to make the effort every…

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All About Intimacy: What is Intimacy? Part 1

One of the most common questions we hear is, “I’m not sure if I am doing this right. What is intimacy anyways?” And it is usually met with worried faces, sweaty palms, and tormented minds. Truth is, there really is no “perfect” answer. Why? Because intimacy is expansive and can include and cover so many…

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