Intimacy and Lymphedema

What is lymphedema? Lymphedema is the swelling of tissues in the body from a build up of protein-filled fluid that is normally drained naturally through the body’s lymphatic system. Most seen in the arms or legs, individuals can experience lymphedema in nearly any area of the body including the abdomen and genitals. Lymphedema can be…

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The “Clogged” Lymphatic System

The lymphatic system is a part of the circulatory system and a vital part of the immune system. This system is made of the glands, lymph nodes, spleen, thymus gland and tonsils. The lymph system has multiple interrelated functions. Some of those functions are: When the lymphatic system is out of balance or not working…

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Cultural and Religious Taboos Preventing Open Patient Communication affecting Care

In the years spent developing our Empowering Intimacy program, we have noted that many different groups, cultures, and creeds of people have numerous reasons for being unable or unwilling to express their thoughts, needs, wants, and desires about sexuality and intimacy. Even in the cases of those going through cancer treatment, where their bodies have been…

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Men’s Libido: What’s Behind the Dysfunction?

In many situations you may hear how women tend to lose their sex drive with menopause, after childbirth, or during long segments of time while raising children. We do not hear of men’s sex drive often unless it is being referenced with erectile dysfunction. The truth is, a man’s sex drive can be affected by…

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The Side Effects of Prostate Cancer

If you have been diagnosed with prostate cancer and begun your treatment, you have most likely learned that all treatments made for this cancer come with different side effects. These side effects can have a great impact on your urinary function and sexual health. The side effects you may experience will depend on several factors…

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Male Incontinence & Kegel Exercise

The effects of a weakened pelvic floor can affect males just as much as females. The pelvic floor is designed to help to control bladder and bowel function, hold important abdominal organs and muscles, and helps to control orgasms and erectile potential. If your pelvic floor has weakened for any reason- cancer, illness, age, hormone…

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Lupus & Intimacy

Lupus patients often struggle with intimacy and sexual activity because they fear that their issues will be rejected by their partners, cause flares in their condition, or worsen their condition causing the need for medical intervention. Their mental outlook often suffers for fear of these same reasons. Here you can learn about Lupus and intimacy,…

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Endometriosis & a Heightened Risk of Cancer

Endometriosis is an incredibly painful disorder where the tissue that usually lines the insides of your uterus, the endometrium, grows outside of the uterus instead. This condition most commonly affects the fallopian tubes, ovaries, and tissue lining your entire pelvis region. In severe cases, the endometrial tissues can spread farther into the body and to…

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