Ejaculation Dysfunction: Retrograde & Anejaculation, Part Four

Ejaculation issues are very common for penis owners and can occur for a variety of reasons. Part four of our series discusses retrograde ejaculation and anejaculation. Retrograde ejaculation, or dry ejaculation, occurs when all or some of the ejaculate is discharged but backs into the bladder at sexual climax, rather than out of the body…

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Ejaculation Dysfunction: Premature Ejaculation, Part Two

Ejaculation dysfunction is a common ailment for males of any age after puberty. Premature ejaculation, or early ejaculation, is one type of this dysfunction that causes the male to ejaculate sooner than he or his partner would like in moments of intimacy. This early ejaculation occurs in roughly thirty percent of males and is considered…

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Ejaculation Dysfunction: Delayed Ejaculation, Part Three

Males can face a myriad of issues with ejaculation, including delayed ejaculation. Delayed ejaculation is when the ejaculate is delayed beyond a reasonable point during sexual or intimate stimulation. This can occur spontaneously through life causing extreme frustration and mental anguish for the person. Delayed ejaculation can be an occasional, temporary, or a permanent problem,…

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Ejaculation Dysfunction: The Basics, Part One

Ejaculatory dysfunction is a common problem plaguing the males around the globe since the beginning. There are multiple types of ejaculation dysfunction including early or premature, delayed, retrograde, and anejaculation. Learn more about this type of male dysfunction in our article series. Ejaculatory dysfunction occurs when a male has a problem with properly ejaculating his…

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Men’s Libido: What’s Behind the Dysfunction?

In many situations you may hear how women tend to lose their sex drive with menopause, after childbirth, or during long segments of time while raising children. We do not hear of men’s sex drive often unless it is being referenced with erectile dysfunction. The truth is, a man’s sex drive can be affected by…

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The Side Effects of Prostate Cancer

If you have been diagnosed with prostate cancer and begun your treatment, you have most likely learned that all treatments made for this cancer come with different side effects. These side effects can have a great impact on your urinary function and sexual health. The side effects you may experience will depend on several factors…

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Male Incontinence & Kegel Exercise

The effects of a weakened pelvic floor can affect males just as much as females. The pelvic floor is designed to help to control bladder and bowel function, hold important abdominal organs and muscles, and helps to control orgasms and erectile potential. If your pelvic floor has weakened for any reason- cancer, illness, age, hormone…

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The Usefulness of & Benefits from Penis Pumps

Penis pumps are very beneficial for those penis owners who deal with erectile and sexual dysfunction for any reason. These pumps provide a temporary enlargement and lengthening of the penis and helps to maintain an erection for penetrative intercourse. There are other options for erection help, but many of those come with other side effects…

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