If you are an LGBTQIA human, your doctors and medical care team should all be made aware. The conversation you will need to have can be brief and to the point, but if it is not had, you could be missing out on important and beneficial preventative care, treatments, or counseling you may qualify for.…
To Finish Reading, Click Here...Just what is a “flat topper”? This newly coined term describes the LGBTQIA person who had breasts, and for whatever reason or choice, has decided that they are more comfortable in life with a flat chest, or flat top. For many females, transgendered individuals, and gender non-conforming people, having breasts hinders their ability to self-identify…
To Finish Reading, Click Here...When working towards lowering your risk of cancer, protecting yourself and the people you care about is a must. The most common types of cancer to affect men in the United States are lung, prostate, colon, and skin cancer; with growing rates of testicular cancer throughout 2018. When cancers are detected and treated early, this…
To Finish Reading, Click Here...Every man, regardless of their sexual orientation, culture, religion, biases, life status or anything else can face bouts of permanent variations of sexual dysfunction. The difference is that sexual health and dysfunction issues are not discussed with homosexual males due to their hesitation to approach the subjects because of the judgment that typically follows (Nat’l…
To Finish Reading, Click Here...Anyone with a cervix is at a greater risk for developing cervical cancer in their lifetime. Certain factors can increase this risk even more, including HPV- the human papillomavirus, sexually transmitted diseases, and general body dysfunction. Having any type of skin-on-skin contact where bodily fluids are shared or exposed can also increase these risks. Sexually…
To Finish Reading, Click Here...Vaginas often require a lot of work to maintain- beyond shaving. Dilator therapy is a holistic therapy used to assist in maintaining the function and pliability of the vagina. This is also true for those with a neo-vagina, or a vagina made of other tissues, intestines, or done during gender reassignment surgeries, called a vaginoplasty.…
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