The Fear of Intimacy: Part One

Do you struggle with sharing your thoughts and feelings out loud to others? Are you open to sharing your experiences with others? Do you have trouble expressing yourself sexually? The fear of intimacy is a very common type of fear that many people of varying ages experience throughout their lives. It can also be referred…

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All About Intimacy: What does Intimacy Involve? Part 3

There are basic parts of any relationship between two humans that must happen for the connection to be strong, continuous and ever growing. Communication, support and love are the known and remembered basics, but there are other facets often pushed aside in the chaos of life that are like hinges to making everything work and…

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All About Intimacy: How to Nurture Intimacy, Part 2

A wonderful analogy to how we must nurture and maintain the intimacy and intimate relationships in our lives can be compared to that of a garden. The longer the time spent away, the more weeds take over and parasites eat holes through the plants’ leaves and vines. If you’re one to make the effort every…

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All About Intimacy: What is Intimacy? Part 1

One of the most common questions we hear is, “I’m not sure if I am doing this right. What is intimacy anyways?” And it is usually met with worried faces, sweaty palms, and tormented minds. Truth is, there really is no “perfect” answer. Why? Because intimacy is expansive and can include and cover so many…

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Intimacy & Incontinence

Incontinence, or loss of urinary control and in some cases defecation control, can be one of the most difficult and common conditions to live with for both men and women. Incontinence can be caused by a myriad of things including medications, illness, cancer, surgery, stress, and aging. Neurological issues such as Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease,…

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Intimacy at the End of Life

For those patients battling terminal cancer and illness, end of life care is often a top priority discussion involving plans, wants, desires, and funeral arrangements. Intimacy and sexuality are often left out of the conversations as they are deemed “extras” by many medical professionals and patients alike. The overall human need for connectedness, touch, and…

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Intimacy with your Clothes On!

Our society has programmed so many to believe that the simple word, “intimacy,” means only physical intercourse- which could not be farther from the truth! Intimacy is anything but simple and is truly one of the most complex, under-discussed vital aspects of human nature and being. While the world wants you to believe that intimacy…

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How Prescription Medications & Drug Use can Change your Sex Drive

Our sex drive is perhaps the first thing to go, particularly when we are focused on and zeroed in on different things-like surviving life, adjusting to a new path, or remembering how to live, and it can vanish in an invisible moment. At numerous points in our life, we are faced with the need to…

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