Ovarian Cancer Information

When ovarian cancers were first discovered, they were thought to originate in the ovary itself. Instead, after years of research, they have determined that many cases of ovarian cancer begin at the farthest point in the fallopian tubes away from the ovaries. Ovaries are the reproductive glands found only in females, and they produce eggs,…

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Cervical Cancer Facts and Information

Cervical cancer is cancer that starts in the cervix, which is the lower, narrow part of the uterus. It happens when the body’s cervical cells divide very fast and grow abnormally out of control. These extra cells form a tumor, which can then become malignant. Each year, about twelve-thousand women in the United States get…

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Pelvic Floor Hypertonic Disorder

Pelvic floor hypertonic disorder is a condition in which the pelvic floor remains in a contracted position, which puts the organs and reproductive system under great pressure every day. With this condition, blood flow is decreased, which can cause the environment to become acidic, which can then begin an inflammatory cascade of side effects. When…

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Menopause Basics: Part One

Upon the start of menopause, a female faces the loss of ovarian follicles, resulting in the cessation of cyclical estrogen and progesterone creation. Menopause refers to the final menstrual period in the persons lifetime. When a person has had no periods for twelve consecutive months, they are then considered postmenopausal. For most women, this occurs…

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Dr. Riva Preil & Women’s Pelvic Floor Health

We recently welcomed Dr. Riva Preil from Revitalize Physical Therapy to our Empowering Intimacy partner group. She offers a myriad of information and knowledge regarding women’s pelvic health & issues that arise throughout a woman’s lifespan. Her book, The Inside Story, gives an expansive and insightful base for vagina-owners to better understand their bodies and…

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Life with Vaginal Atrophy

In this article on vaginal atrophy, we discuss living with this condition and making the best out of each day. Those diagnosed with vaginal atrophy, for whatever cause or reason, have many options for treatment and future planning. Menopause, cancer, long-term illness, and a myriad of other life circumstances can make you feel like there…

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The Symptoms, Treatment, Prevention, & Management of Vaginal Atrophy

In this educational article covering more details about vaginal atrophy, we touch on the symptoms, prevention, treatment, and management options for this condition. Vaginal atrophy is the tightening of the vaginal tissues, loss of natural moisture and pliability, and can cause significant amounts of pain. How Vaginal Atrophy is Diagnosed Your doctor or gynecologist can…

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What is Vaginal Atrophy?

Nearly every female person, at some point in their lifespan, will have a run in with vaginal atrophy. It’s uncomfortable, painful, alters daily life, hinders medical healing, and so many more life changing side effects and issues. The most common reasons women suffer from vaginal atrophy are menopause, childbirth, medications, cancer and treatment, illness, and…

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