Vulvar Eczema & Dermatitis

For vulva owners, many are steered to believe that any “itch” must be a yeast infection, or some form of hormonal imbalance. The truth is, there are numerous reasons why one’s vulva may have this issue. When we think of “skin care,” we often immediately think of our faces. We moisturize, apply special creams and…

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The “Positives” of Menopause

Menopause- the nemesis of many women. It’s that tricky thing that many women call the “terrible phase” of life that no women ever seem to really want to discuss. Even less men will address the issues often happening right in front of them to their partner. Truth be told, menopause is not a picnic nor…

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Methods & Notes on Ending Anorgasmia for Women

Anorgasmia is the condition in which a person cannot orgasm, or the inability to orgasm. Xanet Pailet is an expert in the field and gave a brief seminar on anorgasmia and the different things women can do to help ease symptoms and eventually learn to find pleasure. She now works to help her patients find…

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Vulvovaginal Infections: Natural Remedies

It is quite common for women to experience vaginal infections from varying causes, and for many of these women, treatment is simple and often can be over the counter. For some other women, like those with cancer or those who are post-menopausal, they cannot use estrogen and may have more difficulty in being treated. This…

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Vulvovaginal Infections

Vulvovaginitis is inflammation of the vulva and the vagina and is often called vaginitis. It is a common condition that nearly one-third of the women population will face at some point in their lifetime. It most commonly occurs in the reproductive years. There are varying types of vulvovaginitis and causes of its occurrence. This issue…

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Vulvovaginitis: Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention

Vulvovaginal infections can come in a range of types, from yeast infections to the more serious Trichomoniasis. In this article, we will address the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of vaginitis. Diagnosing Vulvovaginitis Infections If you have noticed a change in your discharge, or vaginal secretions, or any other symptoms, your doctor can check everything out…

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Endometriosis & a Heightened Risk of Cancer

Endometriosis is an incredibly painful disorder where the tissue that usually lines the insides of your uterus, the endometrium, grows outside of the uterus instead. This condition most commonly affects the fallopian tubes, ovaries, and tissue lining your entire pelvis region. In severe cases, the endometrial tissues can spread farther into the body and to…

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My Partner has Cervical Cancer- Now What?

Being the spouse or partner of a person with cervical cancer is never an easy feat. You will be the first in line walking through them with their diagnosis, treatment plan, and all the roadblocks and hiccups in between. You will be the first person who experiences their mood shifts and changes and help them…

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