Info about the Women’s Health and Cancer Rights Act 

The Federal law The Women’s Health and Cancer Rights Act, or WHCRA, helps protect many women with breast cancer who choose to have their breasts rebuilt or reconstructed after a mastectomy. Mastectomy is surgery to remove all or part of the breast. This federal law requires most group insurance plans that cover mastectomies to also…

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Vaccinations: Are they Safe?

While many specialists and doctors promote vaccinations, there are some patients and people who have had severely adverse reactions from vaccinations. Others state that vaccinations are the cause of their child’s medical issues, and some have been linked to death. Vaccinations are designed to help boost the immune system by helping to create antibodies that…

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Patient Chats: How to Talk to your Patients about Sexual Dysfunction- for Medical Professionals

Discussing intimacy, sexual dysfunction, and sexual health can be uncomfortable for individuals and is often simply completely left out of the scope of patient care. These issues are a hefty part of the human condition, how we were made, and the things that we were created to need. By addressing topics like intimacy, sexual health,…

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