The Role of the Pharmacist

Through your treatment journey with cancer or illness, you will get to know your pharmacist as you fill and carry out your treatment plans. This leads some people to wonder what the role of the pharmacist is in the grand scheme of medical care. Here we will highlight the different jobs, duties and tasks carried…

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Cultural and Religious Taboos Preventing Open Patient Communication affecting Care

In the years spent developing our Empowering Intimacy program, we have noted that many different groups, cultures, and creeds of people have numerous reasons for being unable or unwilling to express their thoughts, needs, wants, and desires about sexuality and intimacy. Even in the cases of those going through cancer treatment, where their bodies have been…

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Why won’t my Insurance cover my Sexual Dysfunction treatment?

For those patients who are facing sexual dysfunction caused by their medical treatment plan, or as a side effect from a surgery or injury, they often find themselves fighting an uphill battle to regain and reclaim the right to their very own intimacy. In other cases, sexual dysfunction occurs as a side effect to another…

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What if my Insurance Denies my Claim?

Insurance companies do deny claims, sometimes without any reasoning. In some cases, they will not cover a test, procedure, service, or medication that your doctors have ordered. There are steps you can take with your insurance company to appeal against their initial decision. This also applies to Medicare and Medicaid. If your insurance plan refuses…

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Common Insurance Questions with Cancer-Related Sexual Health Devices & Prostheses

These questions and answers were compiled from some of the top insurance companies across the United States. Remember, you should always check with your own insurance provider for the exact coverage of your plan, as plans vary from person to person. This information is for educational and informative purposes only, and in no way solidifies…

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Learning about Lubrication

Lubrication is something that can be life changing for many individuals dealing with varying levels of genital dryness. Throughout our lives, many circumstances will arise that will trigger the body to go through “dry” patches where nothing seems to soothe the ever-flaky, peeling, rash-prone, and tearing skin. There are many things that can cause these…

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Know the Difference: Lubrication & Vaginal Moisturizers

In addition to menopause, cancer treatment, prescription medications, and numerous other reasons, many women experience vaginal dryness as a symptom of certain medications, diabetes, and cancer treatment, as well as other health reasons (NIH). Fortunately, there are options available for providing comfort when it comes to the lack of moisture: vaginal lubricants and vaginal moisturizers.…

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Never say these Things to a Cancer Patient

Once the diagnosis rolls in, so do the comments. You know the comments: the happy ones, the sad ones, the ones where you really have no safe response because you are not even sure what they just said, and the ones that make you feel guilty. Then there are the comments that make you want…

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