Lichen Sclerosus

Lichen sclerosus is a rare genital based skin condition that is itchy, painful, and changes the physical makeup of the vagina, labia, and anus. This does not only affect women, but also men and the head of the penis. This can create painful skin, touch, or sexual activities including intercourse. Lichen sclerosus is a chronic…

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Night Sweats and the Body

Waking up in a cold, drenching sweat is never the way anyone imagines waking from a restful night’s sleep. In many cases, night sweats are just that- the body’s overheating and cooling process taken to an extreme for the night. In other cases, these types of sweating events can be a sign of something more…

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Heart Disease: The Basics

“Approximately 60% to 90% of patients with chronic heart failure acknowledge sexual dysfunction” (NIH). Heart disease is the leading cause of death in males in the United States causing nearly one in every four deaths (CDC, 2019). The term “heart disease” references numerous types of heart conditions with the most common being coronary artery disease,…

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Inflammation & Cancer

Inflammation is the body’s natural mechanism to react to an infection or injury. Without inflammation, our bodies would not be able to process or function as they do. This is why many doctors and medical organizations back the facts that inflammation can be both helpful and harmful within our bodies. Inflammation is not just one…

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All About Polyps

Polyps are an overgrowth of cells in one specific area of the body. This article contains information about polyps, the various types of polyps, symptoms, diagnosis, and more. Facts & Risks While doctors are unsure about what exactly causes polyps to form, they are indeed a common occurrence in many humans alive today. All polyps…

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Fournier’s Gangrene of the Genitals

Fournier’s Gangrene of the genitals is an extremely rare condition that happens in the body when an infection is present in the body near the genitals or there are circumstances that make your body vulnerable to spreading disease and infection, like chemotherapy and heavy medication treatments. When people hear the word ‘gangrene,’ they often think…

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Cancer and Getting your College Education

Once you have obtained your cancer diagnosis, one of your main concerns may be how to handle school or college for yourself, your family member, or your child. With treatment, side effects and down time, this can greatly affect the ability to get a quality education. You may find yourself or your child needing to…

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Psoriasis and Intimacy

This common skin condition essentially speeds up the life of skin cells and causes them to build up quickly on the surface of the skin. The extra skin cells from Psoriasis scale and cause red patches that are painful and itchy. This is a chronic disease that comes and goes, and even has bouts of…

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