All About Polyps

Polyps are an overgrowth of cells in one specific area of the body. This article contains information about polyps, the various types of polyps, symptoms, diagnosis, and more. Facts & Risks While doctors are unsure about what exactly causes polyps to form, they are indeed a common occurrence in many humans alive today. All polyps…

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Fournier’s Gangrene of the Genitals

Fournier’s Gangrene of the genitals is an extremely rare condition that happens in the body when an infection is present in the body near the genitals or there are circumstances that make your body vulnerable to spreading disease and infection, like chemotherapy and heavy medication treatments. When people hear the word ‘gangrene,’ they often think…

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Cancer and Getting your College Education

Once you have obtained your cancer diagnosis, one of your main concerns may be how to handle school or college for yourself, your family member, or your child. With treatment, side effects and down time, this can greatly affect the ability to get a quality education. You may find yourself or your child needing to…

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Psoriasis and Intimacy

This common skin condition essentially speeds up the life of skin cells and causes them to build up quickly on the surface of the skin. The extra skin cells from Psoriasis scale and cause red patches that are painful and itchy. This is a chronic disease that comes and goes, and even has bouts of…

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Raynaud’s Phenomenon Information

Raynaud’s Phenomenon is a rare disease that affects the blood vessels in the body. Affecting the fingers, toes, and occasionally the ears, nose, and chin, it is visible by the discoloration and bone-chillingly cold feel on the skin. This happens because the blood vessels narrow when one begins to feel stressed or is tripped by…

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Barrett’s Esophagus Information

Barrett’s esophagus is normally diagnosed in those who have had a hard run with gastrointestinal issues and long-term gastroesophageal reflux disease. In Barrett’s esophagus, the tissue in the cylinder-like muscle that connects your stomach to your mouth is replaced by tissue that is like what is found in your intestinal lining. Barrett’s esophagus is associated…

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Interstitial Cystitis & Intimacy

Interstitial cystitis is a painful bladder condition, called IC or BPS (bladder pain syndrome), and can consist of a variety of symptoms. Many patients facing IC have recurring pelvic pain, urinary frequency and urgency (needing to go often, with a strong need to go), and pressure. Along with the tags IC and BPS, this condition…

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Pelvic Pain Information

Pelvic pain is a common problem for women as well as men. There are varying circumstances that can cause a person to feel continuous or intermittent pelvic pain. Some of the most common issues for pelvic pain are cancer, cancer treatment, systemic issues, surface layer tissue issues, the body’s design, nerve issues, hormones, and the…

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