PUMP it UP! The Best Vacuum Air Pump Devices for Men

Losing the ability to achieve or maintain an erection can be a life-altering experience and change in mental health status for many males around the globe. With this loss of function and sexual normalcy, many reach out to prescription support, surgical intervention, or try a variety of sexual health devices, including penis pumps. While many…

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How do Kegel Balls Support the Pelvic Floor

For many women, uterine health and pelvic floor management depend on such occurrences as childbirth, cancer, reconstructive surgery, aging, and more. Hysterectomies, oophorectomies, chemotherapy, and radiation are also high on the list of offenders because they contribute to hardening and weakening of the pelvic floor muscles. One of the simplest designs can completely reverse the…

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Which “Kegel Balls” are Best for Kegel Exercise?

For women facing pelvic floor dysfunction, various issues like organ prolapse, bladder or bowel incontinence, and sexual dysfunction could be hindering life. Kegel exercise is a simple method of pelvic floor, genital, and abdominal muscle exercise to help stave off some of those issues. Kegel exercisers, or “Kegel balls,” have been around for hundreds of…

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Common Questions about Erection Support Devices

Long-term illnesses, cancer and cancer treatment, aging, life stressors, mental health issues, and relationship problems can all cause or increase sexual dysfunction issues. Many people struggling with sexual dysfunction are too ashamed to reach out for help, or to even ask questions to their doctor at medical visits. Intimacy and sexual function are a vital…

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Dilators are Beneficial for Vaginal Health

Vaginal dilators are designed for women to use to help restore function and pliability of the vagina & surrounding tissues. Dilators are varying sized probes that are inserted into the vagina using lubrication, to help to gradually stretch and “work” the vagina back to health. Dilator therapy is done to help to ease pain felt…

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Vaginal Moisturizers: The Best, The Differences, & Why

So often, women are not aware that vaginal moisturizers exist or are beneficial until their doctor is handing them a prescription for hormone moisturizer creams. While these prescription hormone creams are exactly what some women need to help ease the dryness and irritation, for others, those medications cause a host of side effects and other…

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