For many women, uterine health and pelvic floor management depend on such occurrences as childbirth, cancer, reconstructive surgery, aging, and more. Hysterectomies, oophorectomies, chemotherapy, and radiation are also high on the list of offenders because they contribute to hardening and weakening of the pelvic floor muscles. One of the simplest designs can completely reverse the loss of muscle strength and help strengthen the uterine wall, and those are Kegel balls.

Kegel balls are ancient devices used to help strengthen the muscles in the vaginal canal and pelvic floor. They are lightweight balls, also known as Ben Waa balls or Kegel balls, which come in a variety of shapes, weights, and sizes. Kegel balls aren’t just for vaginal and pelvic floor health though. They also help increase sexual function by giving women better control over their pleasure ability. Recently, movies like Fifty Shades of Gray have taught the world about this ball of joy & wonders, albeit in a semi-incorrect way.

If you are looking for these Kegel balls, peruse a reputable online retailer and learn about the styles and what would be best for you to start with from Empowering Intimacy.

What makes the “Best” pair of Kegel Balls?

Believe it or not, the same pair of Kegel balls will work differently for the user. If you are just starting your journey with a Kegel ball, plan to start with something simple and light. Typically, your first Kegel exercisers should be attached to some kind of silicone cord or have a finger loop to grip. Making sure you have a pair that you are comfortable with will ensure that you use them properly for therapy.

For more advanced users, or after you have spent some time moving through the various sizes and weights, the individual can elect to use heavy weights, or specialty shapes. After you have selected your Kegel balls, you are ready to begin Kegel therapy!

As you begin Kegel therapy, you may need to alter or change your exercise styles to meet your needs. Here are important things to think about and remember:

  • Swap lighter materials for heavier ones, such as silicone-coated balls for single metal balls. The golden ball set is considered the first type of Kegel exerciser, the Ben Waa ball.
  • Try a new set of exercisers associated with different weights, various shapes, or textures.
  • Swap larger balls for smaller ones, or vice versa. This allows your body to have a variety of exercises to practice.
  • Try a Kegel exerciser with vibration to help relax tense and nervous muscles.

By changing the way you practice Kegel exercise, you can help your body learn new methods of pleasure, relaxation, and working towards restoring lost function.

One of the best Kegel ball sets is from the Intimate Rose line. You can find more information about these weights in our “Product Reviews and Recommendations” section on the website.

Kegel Ball Safety

Working with a Kegel ball is a form of exercise for the vagina and pelvic floor. Like many other exercises, this ball does have a few downside risks. These are:

• Uncomfortable pain or discomfort

• Loss of un-corded or looped balls (these balls are not meant to be used while the user is laying down in any circumstance)

• cramping

It is important to remember not to overwork or exhaust your body. This is easily done by making sure you are using two correctly sized Kegel balls. Before starting any new exercise program, it can be worth checking with your doctor to make sure you aren’t doing anything that is dangerous for your health. It is suggested that you check in with your doctor is any of these are true for your situation:

• are pregnant or recovering from childbirth, whether vaginal or cesarean delivery.

• You have had any gynecological surgery, cancer related or not. Your doctor will give you a date that states when you can begin working on your at-home Kegel exercise therapy.

• If you have or plan to get an intrauterine contraceptive device.

• If you use a menstrual cup.

• have low back pain or active low back pain.

This magic ball should never be used during orgasm and should never be worn in bed. The Kegel ball should always be used in a standing or sitting position with the head of the body upright. In the right position, this ball could roll into the cervical muscles of the vagina. While this is not life-threatening, it may require additional treatment and may cause additional tumors in the lower rectum and vaginal wall.

Kegel Ball Use

Once you have selected your first Kegel ball, you are ready to begin! First, wash your hands and Kegel balls with mild soap and water. Before inserting the ball, or balls if using two, into the vagina, make sure to lubricate yourself and the ball with good quality lubrication. This helps to keep things smooth, so the vaginal tissues are not torn, damaged, or injured due to dry friction.

Once lubricated and ready, follow these simple tips to get it and use it properly.

  1. Find yourself in a comfortable position where you can fully open your legs Some call this position the “spread Eagle” because it opens up so much of the pelvic floor.
    1. Another option is to lay back on the bed, and with your knees slightly bent, put your feet together. Allow your knees to gently fall towards the mattress, supporting them with pillows if needed.
  2. Use your fingers to feel your vulva and apply the lubrication, ensuring all areas that will meet the Kegel balls are lubricated.
  3. Slowly, with firm pressure, insert the ball into the vaginal canal. Insert the ball as far as your finger can push. If there is a safety cord, allow it to remain outside of the body.
  4. Now that the exerciser is inside the vaginal canal, practice tightening and relaxing the pelvic floor and vaginal wall muscles. You can get up to walk around once comfortably, as using those vaginal muscles to hold those weighted balls inside of your body will give you a great workout! Typically, this therapy is done three to five times a week, for ten to fifteen minutes each time.
  5. When you are done with your therapy, simply relax your muscles and allow the Kegel ball(s) to slide out of your body to be cleaned and stored until the next time.

You might find that the balls try to “fall out” while in use- and that very well could happen and is normal! Simply push them back in to place. After you get better and more used to this therapy, you will need to make these adjustments even less.

If you wear Kegel balls while you walk around, do housework, or dance around- you might find that the weight from one, or friction from two balls, provide enough pleasure to cause orgasm!

Kegel Ball Removal

Kegel balls can stay in the body for up to an hour, depending on the ball you use and your own body tolerance. Your doctor or sexual wellness specialist can guide you on safety features and proper use at your request.

For those Kegel balls with a cord or loop removal:

• Lie down or sit in a comfortable position.

• If your pores feel dry, add more moisturizer to your skin.

• Slowly pull the safety cord or loop until the ball(s) come out.

To remove separate Kegel balls, without case or string:

• Stand with legs slightly wider than hip distance or sit on the toilet with legs spread.

• When standing, bend your knees and squat down. If you are already on the toilet, sit down and bend over slightly.

• Press and push out your belly button area; almost like having a bowel movement, or even what happens when you push your tampon out without using your hands.

Don’t panic if the ball(s) do not come out right away. They cannot get lost in your body but CAN roll in to your fallopian tubes and cause trouble (this is why using exercisers with safety cords and finger loops is so important for new users!) Move around a bit, jump up and down, and repeat the process as needed. Gravity will help the balls find their exit.

If you cannot get them out normally, stay calm and call your medical team. In the worst cases, your gynecologist can remove it in seconds when you cannot. While it can be a little embarrassing in the moment, it can also be a good story for years to come. There are no life-threatening cases involving Kegel balls to date.

Kegel Ball Cleanliness

It is important to clean your Kegel balls and exercisers to ensure that they do not carry any germs bacteria. Once removed, you should always:

• Clean your devices, Kegel balls, and all sexual devices with specially made cleaners made for sexual devices.

• Rinse them thoroughly under warm water, making sure all soap residue is removed once cleaned.

• Dry them with a clean towel and let them air dry for at least two hours, or until completely dry before storing. This prevents water retention and mold.

• When they are completely dry, store them in the container they came in, or in your special cotton device storage bag.

If you have any questions about Kegel balls or exercisers, or how to properly carry out Kegel exercise therapy, check in with our expert team, or schedule a visit with a physical therapist who holds a specialty in pelvic floor therapy as well.


National Institutes of Health

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Intimate Rose

PPG Gynecology, Fort Wayne