Thank you for visiting & checking out Empowering Intimacy! We exist to provide information and education about intimacy, intimacy issues, sexual health and wellness, and sexual dysfunction issues through life, long-term illness, cancer, and the myriad of other “life things” that can trigger these issues.

While Empowering Intimacy is up and running, we are still working on lots of back-end updating, reworking materials and paperwork, and working on securing some funding to work on bringing back options for free presentations for our non-profit partners. Thank you for your patience!

Hi! I’m Jen and I am a Sexual Wellness, Intimacy, & Dysfunction Expert Educator.

What in the world does that mean, you wonder?

That means I’ve spent the last 18 years immersed in sexual education, teaching people about their bodies, learning about hundreds of therapeutic aids and devices, partnered with numerous doctors and medical professionals, taking courses and certifications to broaden my own knowledge, and led hundreds of global webinars and presentations helping to empower and educate the masses about these vital-to-human-existence topics. I have two degrees- one in Education and another in Business- and have previously worked at Reclaiming Intimacy (ended 12.31.23) covering these very topics for close to two decades. I am passionate about these topics as so many of them have been a part of my life over the years through my extreme medical chaos. I am now, and plan to continue, working as an independent contract educator. Myself and my organization, Empowering Intimacy, are happy to provide presentations, or temporarily join your organization as a contractor to cover these topics.

In my experience, and the unfortunate experiences shared with me by many others I have met over the years, the topics of intimacy, sexual dysfunction, and “normal” sexual function do not arise in conversation about physical or mental health in our everyday healthcare system. The understanding of how our bodies work, or how sexual devices can work to improve lost function, or the various options for these devices that exist are also not discussed. This lack of patient care information on these vital-to-human-existence parts of life scream even louder for those battling cancer, long-term, and autoimmune conditions and diseases. So many are left to ignore the issues, or route immediately to more medications or surgeries for an “attempted” fix.

I am a mother of three humans & a dozen animals (plus those we foster temporarily until they grow big to find their furever families!), wife, entrepreneur- business owner, author, gluten free-vegan-allergen friendly bakery owner, wanna-be master gardener, volunteer, and am a chronically medically chaotic human.

I look forward to working with you, your organization, your business, your support group, or however you may need to help broaden knowledge and open the horizons of intimacy and sexual function for all!

Gail & Jen 2014
Gail & Jen 2014

Gail from Cancer Services of Northeast Indiana helped me to get our course, “The Big O & The Big C” out to the public!

Jen & Therapeutic Devices
Jen & Therapeutic Devices
Cancer Services Ribbon Walk 2023
Cancer Services Ribbon Walk 2023

I love supporting my partners’ organizations events and fundraisers- especially if they are local! The Ribbon Walk is a great way to support our cancer community!

Jen Educating on Sexual Devices
Jen Educating on Sexual Devices

One of the many in-person events I did before the pandemic changed the way I did classes.

Educating on Erectile Dysfunction Devices
Educating on Erectile Dysfunction Devices

Educating on vital topics that I love teaching others about!

Real Life Diaries: Living with Gastroparesis
Real Life Diaries: Living with Gastroparesis

I co-authored this book, and others, covering the medical condition Gastroparesis. This book gives great insight for medical professionals and patients alike about what life is like for people with gastroparesis.

Also, my author pen name is Skye Falcon.

Shocked that No One Had Heard of a Wearable Device!
Shocked that No One Had Heard of a Wearable Device!

Educating on wearable devices, jock straps, and other supportive devices allowing pleasure for males struggling with ED.

In my Spare Time...
In my Spare Time...

I garden! A lot. Close to “farmer” status, as I love sharing produce with our Homebound Meals (Meals On Wheels) route folks!

We Volunteer!
We Volunteer!

My offspring and I love volunteering for local organizations like Homebound Meals, Fort Wayne Animal Care and Control, Community Harvest Food Bank & FW Parks & Rec.

The faces of my offspring have been blurred for their privacy.