Ejaculatory dysfunction is a common problem plaguing the males around the globe since the beginning. There are multiple types of ejaculation dysfunction including early or premature, delayed, retrograde, and anejaculation. Learn more about this type of male dysfunction in our article series.

  • Ejaculatory dysfunction is the inability of a man to efficiently ejaculate semen from the penis at the moment of sexual climax.
  • Ejaculatory dysfunction is the most prevalent form of male sexual dysfunction and is a common cause of male infertility.
  • Ejaculatory dysfunction is classified into four types: premature ejaculation, delayed ejaculation, retrograde ejaculation and anejaculation (no ejaculation).
  • Treatments for ejaculatory dysfunction include medications, behavioral therapy (for premature ejaculation) and sometimes surgery.

Ejaculatory dysfunction occurs when a male has a problem with properly ejaculating his semen. For some this can occur too soon, for others- too late, and for many, not at all. There are also certain medical conditions that can cause the ejaculate to back into the bladder. These situations often result in poor sexual satisfaction, ineffective reproduction, and various levels of emotional and mental trauma.

This disorder, also known as aspermia, can be caused by a birth defect as a primary issue or by acquired dysfunctions as a secondary issue. This disorder also often occurs after birth or later in life from another disease, injury, medications, cancer, or likewise. The four types of ejaculation dysfunction are: premature/early ejaculation, delayed ejaculation, retrograde, and anejaculation.

Normal ejaculation involves an emission step, where the semen is positioned in the penis near the prostate, and the ejaculation step- where the semen is forcefully expulsed from the penis. Ejaculation typically occurs at sexual climax, or the expulsion of sperm. Climax is different than the orgasm, which is centered in the brain and associated with ejaculation.

An ejaculation occurs similarly to a sneeze. Both are reflexes with a point of no return. The average time from sexual penetration by a male to ejaculation is nine minutes (NIH).

Being Evaluated for Ejaculatory Dysfunction

If you suspect you are having ejaculatory issues, bring this up with your doctor at your next visit. They will first take your history, listen to your issues and side effects, and how this is affecting your daily life. Some of the methods they may use for your evaluation are:

  • Physical exam of the genitalia and testicles for structural problems
  • Semen sample for evaluation of sperm presence and health
  • Post-ejaculate urine sample if no ejaculate was produced
  • Hormonal testing
  • Transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) to look for structural problems.

Once your testing is complete and your type or issues diagnosed, you can then empower yourself with information and holistic therapies like penis pump therapy to help you to work with your ejaculatory dysfunction.

Look for more parts in this series covering each type of ejaculation dysfunction!


NIH Urology

Cleveland Clinic

Men’s Health

Empowering Intimacy

Read More in our Ejaculation Series with these Links!

Ejaculation Series: The Basics, Part One

Ejaculation Series: Early Ejaculation, Part Two

Ejaculation Series: Delayed Ejaculation, Part Three

Ejaculation Dysfunction: Retrograde & Anejaculation, Part Four
