All About Colostomies

A colostomy is a procedure that surgically creates an opening in the abdomen, which is called a stoma, to allow waste to be expelled from the body via the large intestine. Colostomies are installed when the colon in damaged or diseased and can no longer function normally. Normal colon function can be hindered by many…

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What is a Stoma?

There are a variety of different types of stomas to help with various bodily functions in the face of illness, cancer, accident, or surgery. Stomas that are created to allow feeding tubes to be inserted into the intestines or stomach, and stomas that are designed to help with the removal of output as waste from…

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HIV & AIDS Resources and Information

This information on HIV and AIDS has been compiled here with links and citations for those who might need it or lose access in other ways or on other platforms. This article is for informational purposes only. From the CDC: Overview HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is a virus that attacks the body’s immune system. Without…

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How to Prolong your Orgasm with Breath Control: Practice Plan for Men

Learning breath control, like any other new thing, takes time and steady, consistent practice. If you have this calm, relaxed understanding about your learning process, with or without a patient partner, you can learn this complex technique. If you are single or do not have a partner to practice with, that’s fine! The only mandatory…

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So, I Have Cancer. And it’s Nothing like What’s on TV

A cancer diagnosis brings out every issue within your life & relationships you never knew existed before you ever have a chance to prevent it from happening. Once diagnosed, you might find yourself wondering what you did wrong or why everyone seems to be avoiding you. To the public, the face of cancer is often…

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National Women’s Check-up Day

Did you know that the second Monday of May, every year, is National Women’s Check-up Day?! One single day designated to educating, empowering and reminding women that their health needs to be at the top of their list! We are not just talking about physical health and exercise, but instead the medical tests and checks…

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National Sarcoma Awareness Month

National Sarcoma awareness month occurs each year in July helping to bring awareness and education about the specific type of cancer called sarcoma. Sarcomas are tumors made of connective tissue that originates from the body’s muscles, nerves, joints, bone, cartilage, blood vessels or fat. Sarcomas can occur anywhere in the body, but most often happen…

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The Vagus Nerve: Top Nine Benefits & Facts

The vagus nerve is a wandering bundle of nerves that extends from the medulla oblongata in the brain stem. It helps to control your organ systems, digestion, and certain body functions. The vagus nerve is also in charge of many crucial body functions like communicating motor and sensory impulses to all body organs. The vagus…

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