Cancer not only interrupts your life but also brings a large side order of stress, regardless of if you have ordered it willingly, or not. Stress is how your body responds to threats, triggers, demands or changes. These stressors that can hinder the cancer patient’s life are adjustments to diagnosis and treatment, managing finances, relationships,…
To Finish Reading, Click Here...One touchy subject of caregiving can be the financial aspects required by the patient. Some patient’s may be able to care for their own financial needs, bills and insurance debacles, but others may require varying levels of assistance. Most people prefer to keep their financial situation private. No one loves discussing their money issues, bills,…
To Finish Reading, Click Here...Did you know that October is Physical Therapy Awareness month? Movement is a vital aspect of survival and health for the human body and physical therapy is most often prescribed as part of the whole-body healing from cancer, illness, or other injuries that have happened during your stint with life. Physical Therapists and Physical Therapist…
To Finish Reading, Click Here...Prehab, or pre-surgical rehabilitation, is a type of physical therapy that is done prior to any surgery being done. During this type of preventative rehabilitation physical therapy, the patient is given a series of specific, specialized exercises, stretches, or activities to do to help to better prepare their bodies for their upcoming procedures. In some…
To Finish Reading, Click Here...When someone in your family falls seriously ill, their families and friends pull together to support and care for their person through various methods of care. This might include home care, planning and carrying out of outside care providers and management of financial and insurance documentation, appointments with medical care teams and specialists, and surgical…
To Finish Reading, Click Here...An advance health care directive is a sort of legal document that explains to your doctor and family about your wishes of your health care. There are different types of directives that apply to different situations. These directives are put in place so that if a time ever arises that you cannot speak for yourself,…
To Finish Reading, Click Here...August is sun safety month! Naturally, you will most likely spend lots of time outdoors with your friends and family on those warm summer days. It should also be a natural step to ensure that you are taking good care of your skin and protecting yourself from the sun’s rays every time you go outside!…
To Finish Reading, Click Here...April is Minority Cancer Awareness Month! helps to bring awareness and attention to those populations in our country that struggle to get cancer care, treatment, and the specialists they need to properly. Those ethnic groups are most often African Americans, Latinos and Hispanics. Cancer affects each culture, population, and minority group differently across the globe.…
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