Self-Discovery with Masturbatory Devices for Penis Owners

The changes that happen to the physical body due to cancer, illness, or surgical intervention can hinder ability, function, and cause sexual dysfunction. While there are options for men to combat these issues in the form of prescription medications and surgical intervention, there are also a myriad of holistic options and therapies that can be…

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Pelvic Floor Internal Massage with the Curve Massager Probe

For many female reproduction system owners, there are many issues that might arise that require pelvic floor therapy. This therapy is designed to help strengthen, or relax, the pelvic floor which is responsible for bladder and bowel control, intimacy and orgasm function, internal organ support, and more. For certain types of therapy, inserting a wand-like…

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Chemo Brain: Basic Tips to Break the Fog

The side effects of cancer treatment are traumatic for any patient, and most all those patients who undergo chemotherapy treatment report that “chemo brain” is a very prevalent and annoying side effect they deal with. Other issues those patients on chemotherapy face are decreased neurocognitive function, fatigue, and social issues.   Because chemotherapy is toxic to…

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The Benefits of Prostate Massage & Stimulation & Devices

Prostate massage has been practiced since the earliest years of man living on Earth. While it is not a widely accepted method of treatment to help reduce pain, help to drain built up toxins, or to trigger pleasure points- all these things are true, and more! Integrative medicine doctors and Urology specialists are most often…

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Never say these Things to a Cancer Patient

Once the diagnosis rolls in, so do the comments. You know the comments: the happy ones, the sad ones, the ones where you really have no safe response because you are not even sure what they just said, and the ones that make you feel guilty. Then there are the comments that make you want…

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Queer Women and Cervical Screening

In many medical situations, queer women are often disregarded or overlooked for very important cervical screenings that should be happening on a regular basis. If you are a person who has sex or intimate time with other women and are older than twenty-one, you should be being screened for cervical cancer yearly. Anyone who owns…

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How to have the “Coming Out” Talk with your Medical Care Team

If you are an LGBTQIA human, your doctors and medical care team should all be made aware. The conversation you will need to have can be brief and to the point, but if it is not had, you could be missing out on important and beneficial preventative care, treatments, or counseling you may qualify for.…

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Being a “Flat Topper” with Breast Cancer: Description & Points

Just what is a “flat topper”? This newly coined term describes the LGBTQIA person who had breasts, and for whatever reason or choice, has decided that they are more comfortable in life with a flat chest, or flat top. For many females, transgendered individuals, and gender non-conforming people, having breasts hinders their ability to self-identify…

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